I don’t know how anyone gets anything done in January. Making goals and starting them just never seems to get off the ground in this transitional month for me. God only knows I try, but everything seems to get derailed.
First off there’s the post-holiday jubilance (yeah! made it through another holiday with a cozy home, decorated tree, visits with loved ones, yummy food and downtime) which is quickly followed by the post-holiday-post-jubilance depression. (It’s over. Over. Over. Husband traveling again, kids buried in homework, everyone coming home with the latest virus and the cold reality that all the shit I’d left behind last year is looming in my face.) * sigh*
This time of year always feels chilly to the soul. I want to kill all the newbies at my gym. They’re screwing up my class schedule with their new found energy and resolutions. Where were you in October or November, huh? I was HERE……and now I can’t even get a spot in my class because you think you’re going to drop 10 pounds! SO ANNOYING!
For some reason I just felt myself slide into a rut and I can’t quite get myself up and out.
I feel like big changes are on the horizon —- some of them good and some of them requiring endless amounts of energy. I’m a bit paralyzed right now.
When I get my game plan together, I’ll share. But I leave you with this: take care of yourself. self care has never been as important as it is today —— crawling into bed an hour early, taking the time for a hot bath, scheduling that haircut you’ve put off or getting down to something on the endless list is the way to launch yourself back into a more aggressive goal chasing year.
So, if you’re like me and January isn’t your month of great energy and vision, then do yourself a favor and rest.