My family and I are SO enjoying this book!!
"Is there such a thing as too much adventure?" (that's the tag line on the front jacket)
It's a fabulous adventure set in a futuristic world --- with orphans, quests and a prophecy. It's written by Wade Albert White, who also has a web site at:
It's a 364 page book which would be way too daunting for my 3rd grader, who isn't super jazzed about reading anything with that many pages. But reading it out loud has created a fabulous imaginary world. It's considered a Middle Grade for ages 8-12. To me, it's a story to be enjoyed at any age --- one you'd probably reread because you'll love it so much.
Last night we ended chapter 8 and my 4th grader was angry that it was left on a cliff hanger! She tried to take the book into her room to read ahead but I wouldn't let her! We are seeing this story through together!!
I bought this book at one of the SCBWI conferences to be inspired and keep up with new authors.
Grab a copy! It's a keeper!!