Geronimo Stilton and Thea Stilton have been some favorite books at our house for YEARS!
These books helped keep my daughter inspired to read when the reading at school was dry and not as interesting to her. This was right before she suddenly made the leap into much longer books like Harry Potter.
These books are fun and filled with the quirky, sometimes pathetic but always lovable character, Geronimo Stilton. He connects with the reader right away and you cringe over his crazy family members that drag him into insane adventure after insane adventure.
Amazingly Geronimo always comes out on top! With a positive attitude and a learning experience he turns into an award winning novel (in his world!).
The text is done in fun fonts, colors, etc. This makes the reading more fun and not as daunting.
My 10 year old daughter read many of the other series Geronimo and his sister Thea wrote. And even though she's now "too old", she loves looking through them at the library.
So, who is Geronimo?
Believe it or not, the books are from Italy! Elisabetla Dami is the author and these all started in Milan, Italy. Not only does Geronimo have a series of books, but he also has a fabulous web site, apps/games AND a show!!! Wow!!! Congrats to Mrs. Dami for creating a character that we love and then creating an empire!
Check it out!