For the past four years I’ve thought were going to do a BIG family trip to Europe.
But the dream was distant and the costs were irresponsible.
This fall I feel like it’s more important than ever for us to put our European travel plans into action. And there’s 9 months to plan it out and continue to save for it. I’ve been exploring so many websites with tips on using miles and how to use points, etc. Honestly, I think if we put every grocery bill on our mastercard (which earns us miles), we’d probably have free airfare! In fact, I feel stupid for not doing it!
I’m drooling over the pictures of delicious food, historical sites and beautiful views.
I, personally, see great value in taking your kids out of the country. I have friends who shake their head and say they’re saving for college and can’t do a big trip like that. I think a trip like this is more educational than anything college could give them. Living in a new culture, learning to navigate with a different currency, different language and absorbing the fact that it’s a big world out there ——- all of which, to me, are gifts for my children to gain.
If you’re dreaming of a big trip, but think its unaffordable, I’d encourage you to start googling families that do it REGULARLY on a tight budget. Then start planning. That’s 1/2 the fun anyway!!
Paris —— I will see you soon! I promise!